It's almost Halloween, so it's time to get
scared!!! Just kidding; I don't like getting scared. Plus Halloween is kind of a kitschy thing over here; most of it comprises of all the English buxiban doing hoaky activities and some Halloween-themed candy, there isn't much in the way of Halloween celebration. Wait, I guess Spark 101 had a costume event last night (the subway was PACKED!) and there are some sales going on at Q-square and some of the Japanese department stores (I've seen one at Shinkon Mitsukoshi). Also, I read somewhere that there's a haunted house near the Taipei main station.
But that's not the point. The point is we went on a hike. A HALLOWEEN hike. It involved scary things, like spiders:
This spider may be dead, but it is still scary.
Spider with Tai for size comparison.
And heights. This is the top of a mountain.

These flowers are not scary, they are cute.

A stripper pole in the middle of the mountain forest. No seriously.
It's just a pole, not doing anything except waiting for some sweet young thing to start swinging on it.
Or something.

There were a bunch of these janky structures that looked like they could be 3rd-world housing, just chillin' by the side of the trail.
This one had exercise equipment inside.

You can't tell, but I am TERRIFIED.
This is the VERY TOP of a mountain.
I can't remember the name; it has been forcibly blocked from my memory.
Did I mention we are standing on top of a boulder on top of a mountain?
And it was raining a tiny little bit.

Look! Something less intimidating.

This scary-looking bed of rocks is part of an exercise park.
They are scattered alongside the hiking trails, but only after the halfway-up-the-mountain point.
'cause only badasses can hike up the mountain to use them.
Oh yeah, these are for walking on barefoot. Or lying down on.
It massages you, with FEAR.

These torture-device-lookin' things are actually for exercising.
If you look past the precarious wood-and-metal construction, you will see they are actually sit-up tables.

This weight machine is very safe to use.

A refreshing view of the city!

Mysterious altar.


It looks ominous.

A curious detour.

Okay, this isn't scary. It's just an altar.
So that was our Halloween Hiking trip. :)
The End.
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