Monday, September 26, 2011

I exercise and some stuff!

Actually, I've been exercising for a while, but recently I've been super-inspired by Gracie's workout posts! Since Tai wasn't home today, I hooked up the wired internet and did some workout videos!!! (Usually I just use workout sheets I download onto my iTouch :D)

I did 2 of the Heart Throbbers

and one of the HIIT

I had to take lots of breaks during the HIIT one @_@ Should have done that one first!

Also, I am developing an obsessive love/hate relationship with burpees. They are SO HARD but I really like them!!! (only for the first...10...then the hatred sets in...). It is my goal to be able to do 20 burpees in a row without stopping >:D

On a health-related note, I got a REALLY yummy (but HUGE) baked yam for NT$30 from the guy with the roasted peanuts/horn-things/yams that chills across from the MRT during rush hour. I'd been wanting one for a while, but I always had dinner planned ahead or I had to feed Tai at the same time, so it never worked out before. I'm glad it did today. It was sweet and dry (but not as dry as the white yams, which I prefer) and filling (almost couldn't finish it!! Okay, I didn't finish the last 1/3 of the skin (which had taken on the consistency of the paper bag it was served to me in (thought it was nice and crisp when I first got it)) but I ate all the fleshy bits ^^).

According to the internets, a serving of yams only has like 100 calories @_@ That seems like not enough for a meal, but I'm still really full and don't want to eat anything!!! In conclusion, I think the internet it lying to me and there were really like 500 calories in that yam, which is a decent meal.

I think I'm going to get another one when I go to Hochi tomorrow :3 IT IS SO CONVENIENT! And healthy! @u@

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