First off, it was payday and my work did not compensate me for classroom preparation time, even though the hiring person I talked to said they would give me NT$300/hr for up to 5 hours of classroom prep time a week. This is not asking a lot. I have put in over 40 hours (40.86, to be exact -- I keep track) this week alone. I teach for 20 of them. This does not include the 19.8 hours I put in last week, of which only 5 were compensated at the classroom prep rate. Granted, it was the first week of teaching for me, and they didn't give me all the information (or most of the curriculum), so it was kind of hackneyed, but that is not the point. The point is we had a contract and it was not fulfilled. I don't care if none of the other teachers get paid for it, or it's not what they do in Taiwan (which is total bullshit, because another job I applied for totally said they'd pay me half-time for classroom prep), or whatever other lame-ass excuses they're pulling out their asses. I'm thinking a long talk with the HR is in order. Tomorrow.
Secondly, we went to eat at Raohe Night Market 'cause Tai really loves the chicken naan wrap from Ala-Ding, and I thought I'd try the chickpea curry, 'cause I saw it on their sign. Turns out it's NT$200, which is kind of pricey, but it was really really really really really really good. So that was okay. The kicker was the waiter asked me if I wanted an order of naan with it, and i said I didn't, 'cause the dish was already expensive and I'm totally down to eat curry straight, but then the superchill guy at the front, who makes the naan, gave us some anyway, so I thought it came with the order, 'cause why the hell wouldn't it. Then when we went to pay the bill, it was NT$50 more than it was supposed to be, and the waiter said it was because of the naan, which I didn't order. Lame sauce. Fuck that waiter. The naan wrap with chicken is only NT$40, why the hell would plain naan be NT$10 more?! Stupidness. Next time we're just getting the wrap; that waiter guy can go fuck himself. If anyone else goes there, don't get the Chinese waiter. Get the Indian guy.
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