Wednesday, May 30, 2012

April 3rd: Wasabi-Cucumbers & CAKE

Gui-yi is a baller who makes food on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at the Compassion Field. She taught me how to make wasabi-pickled cucumbers :D

After weighing the cucumbers, double-bag'em with salt

Also, Xingyi, who just had a baby, finished her 1 month thing (坐月子 sp?) and got a cake for the Tuesday evening class~

Sunday, May 27, 2012

April 2nd: Gua-Bao with Gracie & Tai at the Taipei Compassion Field

Gua-bao is like mantou in a different shape. A handy-dandy one-handed-sandwich-y kind of shape! It's usually filled with meat and pickled vegetables -- we filled them with vege-meat and pickled vegetables and stir-fried cabbage! Oh, and it's topped with peanut powder :)

These were Kathy's idea, so we made some for the Thursday evening youth activity.  There were some leftovers, which I made up fresh filling for when Gracie and Tai came over for lunch.
I feel like I can never shove enough veggies in it though xD I loves me some cabbage!

Gracie-Faces after the jump!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

March 30th: Volunteering with Kathy & Maggie + Woolloomooloo

After an awesome morning at the Taoyuan Female Penitentiary teaching ladies meditation for stability and changing life direction, Maggie took Kathy and me to lunch at Woolloomooloo (which also happens to be a place in Australia. Woolloomooloo XinYi:台北市信義路4段379號 (02)8789-0128 )

Maggie is of the belief that cultivation should a fun and enjoyable, so she sometimes often treats us to all sorts of yummy food and stuff after classes or activities (^////^) One day when I have loads of disposable income I'ma treat her back for all the lovely times she's had with us!
On the MRT -- I'm terrible at camwhoring!  From left to right: Maggie, Kathy being shy and looking way better than either of us, and me being close-eyed-looking (- u -)

Slightly better? No, not really xD

Saturday, May 19, 2012

March 21st: Maiden Diner + Loving Hut

Maiden Diner on Yam

Location: Taipei Underground Mall (Y28 I think...@_@; It's toward the end of the mall, far away from all the respectable institutions ;P )

Disclaimer: We are not otaku in the Western sense.
That being said, maids are f*ckin' adorable and why WOULDN'T you want to go to a cafe with a ridiculously curiously pink train sub-theme and be served cute food by the most adorable waitresses this side of the East China Sea?!  That's right, even the food is cute. Although I was famished and forgot to get pictures of the cute part...but there are some great photos on ABC Lolita of all the moe moe tabemono you can handle.

Also, Gracie had a point card that was almost full~ so we got to fill it up and play a game with one of the maids!

The Brains Behind this Most Epic Scheme: GRACIE!
There are a couple maid cafes in Taipei, and this is one of the best: delicious food (it's a fooding place -- the food BETTER be good), ADORABLE maids (way cuter than the place across the hall -- no buggy-eyed ho-makeup maids here), few creepers (didn't spot any when we were there!), and great service!

More pics after the jump!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mar. 19th: Ambassador Movie Theater

How to get there: Go to MRT Songjiang Nanjing on Xinlu Line.
Picture! For visual reference :3
Exit toward the commercial zone (forget the name). Head North until you hit ChangQun Road 長春. Take a right.

Keep walking until you get to the Ambassador Theater with glass doors (there will be impostors on the way, don't fall for it!). That is where the ticket office is. If you have a Cathay bank IC card you can get tickets for 200 (260 for 3D). There are a couple other banks with the same deal, I think. ^^

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Mar. 18: Indian Fans

A delicious Indian fusion restaurant run by an ex-New Yorker. He's a baller and everything is delicious. Tai eats here at least once a week, sometimes more. Sometimes several days in a row :D we try to avoid that though xD Approximate location : Here-ish, on Googlemaps .
I didn't get any pictures of food this time, but check out this post for pics. I think I got the veggie baked noodle. Their baked noodles are BOSS. You can get rice, too, but the noodles are better.
FYI there is nothing behind the cut except our faces. I don't know why.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

March 15th: A Foggy Morning

My first time seeing fog in Taiwan. This was quite early in the morning.

Friday, May 4, 2012

March 7th: Breakfast with Sanbakkel

Sanbakkel from Christmas paired with breakfast breads, Christmas cheese, and carrots. Care packages are awesome.