My camera has been taking really good pictures of food recently! Usually my pictures look GROSS (if you've been following
my cooking blog you are acutely aware of this ;P) I think it has to do with the white tabletop; it fools the camera into thinking there's a lot of light xD
This is one from last night:

Taro rice vermicelli soup with pepper-salt daikon pickles, broccoli, and cherry tomatoes! It was a lighter meal than I would have liked, especially after climbing 13 flights of stairs -- TWICE! and doing some plank variations (more cardio @_@), but I'm actually feeling really good today, especially considering how sore my thighs and back were yesterday xD
As for the
mystery...Turns out
those pictures were taken by HsiaoChen 'cause they couldn't find another camera xD
Speaking of pictures, MORE PICTURES!

I like this one 'cause it looks like she's pointing at the tomato, but really she had just finished putting down the banana ^O^
More bananas!

This is TingQuan practicing his newly acquired MAD CAMERA SKILLZ. Ingting took this one.

...I have no idea what's going on here. Look at all those bananas!

Close-up of those radish (and I think there's nappa (cabbage) too...)pickles. You'll notice there are bits of vege ham :3 I WILL MAKE IT.
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