Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Week of Food!

Last week comprised a flurry of food-making~! I taught one of the chi-mates how to make banana cake so he could teach his students at school. :) Then Ingting taught us how to make some bing, which are like pancake things (although bing can also mean a cake-like thing).
This is a vegetarian oyster bing (technically it's a jian, which is more like a fritter).
It was size of my head. And delicious.

I ate the whole thing!!!
One of the Chi-mates flipping an oyster fritter!
He used to own a stand that sold bing, so he's pretty good :)
Tai and me at the compassion field!
Gettin' ready for some FOOD action!

Making a huge pancake thing!
It's basically batter with a bunch of veggies and leftover bits.
Kind of like okonomiyaki, but more delicious.

Ingting with the finished product.
Once she made a HUGE one and put it in a Pizza Hut box for her friend's birthday.
I thought that was a clever idea xD
Gracie, post-midterms.
Me, gonna be employed OMGZ.
At the Grandparents' house.
Where Mommy made a bunch of food.
This was right after the Pizza Hut bing.

Obviously, no trip to my Grandparents' is complete without an excursion to the nearby Lehua night market.
And no night market excursion is complete without food.
Here is some Hong-Kong style rice-sheet-wrapped beef thingy.
Which, according to Tai, was delicious.
The stand it came from.
A terrible picture of almond tofu, with crunchy almond bits, in thick almond broth.
Sunday I went in for training at my job.
On my way home there were these adorable Oreo girls who gave you treats if you played a game with them.
Unfortunately, these Oreo soft cakes are rather lackluster.
They taste like Hostess cakes, with less flavour D:<
But for the low low price of FREE, I'm not complaining.
Check out one of the bonsai sprouting flowers!

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