We also made guilt-free vegan chocolate-chip cookie dough, but forgot to take pictures T_T
Flash-forward: This past Monday was Halloween!
We drank yogurt drink and ate guilt-free vegan cookie dough.
Then I made dinner!
And we ate that too.
Then, we decided the best thing to do would be to have a sewing party the next day.
Bailey's Brownie Cupcake topped with Cookie Dough: Breakfast of Champions.
This is Gracie's pokemon kigu. I can't remember the English name @_@
I made pants! But I didn't actually finish them until the next day.
And then I didn't have enough fabric for all the pleats.
So I made them into half-elastic wide pants!
After bumming around for another day (and getting over my sick) I got called for interviews!!! THREE TIMES! And then I suddenly had TWO INTERVIEWS ON FRIDAY @_@
Friday was an exciting day comprised of going to the Taipei compassion field in the morning to meditate and NOT freak out about interviews (and use their iron to iron my work shirts, since we can't afford one right now ;P) and then they had a barbeque for lunch which was DELICIOUS!!! (That sentence was a grammatical train wreck, but I refuse to rewrite it. Keep calm and carry on.) Then I went to my first interview and did a writing sample and stuff and they pretty much want me to work for them. They said I can do a one-month trial/training period to see if it's a good fit, so I'm gonna do that.
Then I went to my second interview and the position they had conflicted with my current schedule, but it was an interesting school and they might want me for other positions 'cause they also teach Japanese and Chinese and I happen to speak all those languages :D There is a teaching demo involved and a lesson plan, so I sent in my stuff for that and will hopefully get called back. Gotta keep my options open!
After tutoring Saturday morning I went in for a classroom observation, which was pretty cool. I got to eat a sandwich. With REAL CHEESE OMG *u*
Today my tutoring was cancelled, so I bummed around in the morning and then we had a video chat with Tai's mommy :) For lunch we went out and had a delicious plate of cold noodles from the super-popular noodle place right next to the MRT station. It was NT$50 for the big plate, which we shared and were quite satisfied with. Then we picked up some groceries for the week and walked home.
While doing the book-keeping I calculated how much my new prospective job would actually pay and it came out to NT$156/hour, which is ridiculous. Even after factoring in benefits like health insurance and retirement (which is useless to me, as I don't plan on retiring in Taiwan) it only comes out to $NT175/hr, which is roughly US$5.82. That'd be fine if it's just for the training period (I think my last training period I made like US$4/hr), so tomorrow, I'm going to have a little chat with them about that.
And then...not much else happened. Tai's been watching television shows on his lappy a bunch, so it's been rather quiet around the house. I worked out and made dinner (bean-broccoli-sprouts salad and miso soup!) and we had a spirited discussion about chocolate.
The end!
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