It was a lovely Wednesday to go see Avengers in (accidental) 3D at the Ambassador Theater in Zhongshan!
"Do we have to see it in 3D?!" |
Turns out Gracie doesn't like 3D movies. But it was the only showing at a time we could all meet up, so 3D it was.
Face of resignation. |
We met up for lunch first. Found Kirin Pasta in an alley, and they are vege-friendly! :D
A silly sign. I love silly signs xD
"We apologize for not providing parmesan cheese and TABASCO to you on the side" |
Just kidding! The food was really good!
Gracie's giant pesto plate. |
The sauce was flavorful enough, if a bit runny and missing pine-nuts. I'm guessing from the name and flavor (thicker sauce and a little sweeter) that this is Japanese-style Italian pasta, so it was to be expected.
Also, turns out cabbage is a wonderful addition to was found in abundance in all our dishes. I liked it a lot 'cause I LOVE Asian cabbage, but it's a BITCH to wash and cut since it's so crisp it explodes into little cabbage slivers that end up getting on and into EVERYTHING. Seeing as we don't have a kitchen sink, I can't make it myself, so even though it's relatively inexpensive (although at the time of writing the price has jumped to a shocking NT75 a head due to flooding & storms in the south & center of the island), I get it whenever I can. ^.^
Tai's cheese bread! |
The cheese bread was served piping hot and brimming with melty cheese. The edges were satisfying crunchy as well. Mmmmm
Caesar salad! |
It came with a strange meat in the sauce. I think it was bacon...?
Chicken pasta thing. |
Apparently tasted better than it looks.
My amazing pumpkin vege gratin! |
SO MUCH CHEESE. RICH, THICK, LUXURIOUS CHEESE. The pumpkin gets kind of lost in the mix, receding to the background as a mere sauce thickener. There's a good amount of veggies underneath, but no slices of pumpkin, which I was hoping for.
The dish it was served in was amazingly non-stick as well. Very good quality servingware for the gratins.
Afterwards we wandered around for a while before the movie started.
Brownie Ice cream from Burger King |
Bummed around at the BK next to the theatre. Gracie's brownie ice cream was SUPER fudgy and rich, though not as chocolate-y as you'd think it would be.
Then we saw the movie. It was fantastic.
Afterwards we tried to find cheap dinner, since we were all broke from lunch and movie.
Everyone playing with their NDS's. |
Never go to this store. Their knife noodles are TERRIBLE: thick, doughy, and unflavourful. The broth is like cheap takeout sweet and sour soup with canned veges thrown in. Disgusting.
:D <- a smiley face to make the ending happier!
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