After missing her connecting flight in Chicago Jessica finally arrived safe and sound Saturday 'round noon-ish. No pictures 'cause EVERYONE looks terrible after 20+ hours in transit.
Instead, oggle at these pictures of Tai and me enjoying smoothies at 79Style Cafe at Taipei Main Station K mall while waiting for her to show up!
Hazelnut Coffee Smoothie. |
Delicious and filled with CREAM (topping...not real cream, obviously ;).
Matcha Smoothie! |
Delicious but too sweet. I couldn't finish it Dx Gotta remember to ask for no sugar every time!
Actually we ended up meeting Jessica at Mommy's house, and then Mommy had to leave right as we got there 'cause her brother just came back from mainland and they had to talk about moving my maternal grandpa to Taoyuan.
And then we ended up going back to Taipei main station (Y mall this time!) and showing Jessica all the fun otaku stuff. Gracie stayed home 'cause she has FINALS D:< We watched her work on two different projects while we were at Mommy's house O_o Stay strong Gracie!
'round dinnertime I took a bus to Taichung for fun time Hochi youth class while Jessica and Tai apparently got lost for 3 hours in the city (I have yet to affirm this; this is just what Facebook tells me. And we all know FB speaks the truth.)
At the class we did a bunch of meditating and worked on our group projects and worked on the youth camp stuff for over the summer -- I'm in the service group for both, so stuff like finding support staff and making up shower charts and scheduling etc. Gotta write up that script for the how-to movie we're shooting still...I'M SO SORRY WEITING! I PROMISE I WILL GET TO IT THIS WEEK!
Look! It's Yi-An and some creeper on their way home from class!
Guess how old Yi-An is!!! Scroll down for the answer! |
Okay she's in high school. Apparently some people think she's like 25 or something, but I think it's just 'cause she's relatively tall -- she's almost as tall as me! But it's okay, thanks to the Asian Anti-Aging gene and cultivation she'll probably look like this forever :D I can't wait to see her as a cute old lady! She'll be the most adorable old lady in the history of forever. /earlymorningblogging.